Evening Rosary at St. Romuald Chapel
St. Romuald Chapel 61 Atlantic Avenue, Matunuck, RI, United StatesDuring the month of October, join us at St. Romuald chapel every week night starting at 5:00pm
During the month of October, join us at St. Romuald chapel every week night starting at 5:00pm
Inviting all 7th - 12th graders to come check out our youth group, G1 (God first). We want to hear from you as to what want you want from youth gatherings and we want your help in decorating our youth space! And if time permits, we will go shopping for decorations and furniture at Marshall's! Bring a friend with you!
Each year during the holidays the Jonnycake Center distributes food to hundreds of families and seniors benefitting thousands of individuals. This Thanskgiving they are asking for donations of Turkey gravy, canned vegetables: corn, green beans, carrots. Boxed stuffing, cranberry sauce, quick bread mixes, pie crust mix, fruit pie filling (pumpkin), canned yams, boxed mashed potatoes. Our parish family has always answered the call when asked to help others less fortunate in our community. Thank you for your continued generosity! There will be receptacles in St. Francis Church and St. Romuald Chapel to collect your donations. See the flyer for more details.
Families with preschoolers to grade 6 are invited to our festive All Saints Party this Sunday, November 3rd! See the attached flyer for more details.
The bazaar includes craft/vendors tables, a silent auction, bake sale, and a cafe for drinks and a lunch menu. Our crafters include pottery, jewelry, cards, ornaments, small paintings, knitting, candles, wood products, coastal decorations etc. Silent auction items include a week in a beautiful condo in MyrtleBeach and themed baskets. Come join the fun!
This annual tradition at St. Francis parish of bringing Christmas cheer of our neighbors in need begins on today, December 1. Gift tags are placed on the Advent trees in St. Francis Church and at St. Romuald Chapel. The Giving Tree provides much needed support to our St. Vincent de Paul chapter here at St. Francis, the Elks, and to the Jonnycake Center which services local families providing basic necessities. This year with food insecurity reaching its highest level, there is a great need for gift cards from food stores ($25 increments preferable) The gift cards should be returned no later than the weekend of December 14/15. They can be placed in the collection baskets or brought to the parish office.
After the 10am Mass at the chapel and between the 9 & 11am Masses at the main church we will be selling kits to make your family Advent wreath. For those who would like to be inspired by the creativity of others, we will host a workshop at Fr. Greenan Center from 10-11am. What a wonderful way to begin your Advent season! Cost is $15 per wreath. Checks can be made out to ‘St. Francis Church’.
We will be celebrating the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (a Holy day of obligation) on Monday, December 9th with a 7am Mass and 6:30pm Mass at St. Francis Church. This solemnity which usually is celebrated on December 8th but falls on the second Sunday of Advent this year has been moved to December 9th. The Immaculate Conception refers to the dogma that the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without any stain of Original Sin. No sin would touch her, so that she would be a fitting and worthy vessel of Jesus, the Son of God.
So that you may plan for the celebration of the birth of Christ, please see our Christmas Mass schedule. All are welcome to join us!
Join us for our annual Children's Christmas Pageant following the 9am Mass at St. Francis Church this Sunday. Refreshments will be served in the lower level of the church after the pageant.