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Advent Giving Trees

This annual tradition at St. Francis parish of bringing Christmas cheer of our neighbors in need begins on today, December 1. Gift tags are placed on the Advent trees in St. Francis Church and at St. Romuald Chapel. The Giving Tree provides much needed support to our St. Vincent de Paul chapter here at St. Francis, the Elks, and to the Jonnycake Center which services local families providing basic necessities. This year with food insecurity reaching its highest level, there is a great need for gift cards from food stores ($25 increments preferable) The gift cards should be returned no later than the weekend of December 14/15. They can be placed in the collection baskets or brought to the parish office.

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Advent Wreath Kits & Workshop

St. Francis Church - lower level 114 High Street, Wakefield

After the 10am Mass at the chapel and between the 9 & 11am Masses at the main church we will be selling kits to make your family Advent wreath. For those who would like to be inspired by the creativity of others, we will host a workshop at Fr. Greenan Center from 10-11am. What a wonderful way to begin your Advent season! Cost is $15 per wreath. Checks can be made out to ‘St. Francis Church’.