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St. Francis memorial bricks

Our loved ones, both past and present, have such an impact on us and form who we are. Here is a wonderful way to timelessly honor them and at the same time help with our kitchen renovation. Why not consider purchasing a memorial brick in their name? These bricks will be placed in areas around the church and Father Greenan Parish Center and the cost is $100 per brick. If you are interested in purchasing one complete the form below. Memorial brick form

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Alpha Returns starting Thursday, April 4th

Father Greenan Hall 114 High Street, Wakefield

Mark your calendars to participate in this year’s Alpha program! Alpha is an opportunity to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join you in exploring life’s biggest questions through the Christian faith. It’s a series of interactive sessions that begin with a delicious meal followed by a short film and small group discussions to intentionally create space for the Holy Spirit to lead people to a personal encounter and relationship with Jesus. Alpha is free-of-charge and anyone is welcome to join. You can RSVP at or email or just come on April4th.